"Well you know, I'm a body builder. I do some pretty heavy weightlifting, so I think the weightlifters of the world need to unite," Pat Robertson said. "They don't want anymore Davis, so who else you gonna put in? I think you don't have anybody else that's coming up on the radar so the other alternative is just stay home."
Don't you wish the anti-abortion camp to whom Robertson usually panders could be so pragmatic, could understand what his money-driven organization always has: the distinction between policy and politics.
Robertson doesn't believe a vote for a pro-choice candidate is immoral, but come November '04, I guarantee all the fundamentalist foot soldiers will believe voting for a pro-choice candidate is tantamount to killing the Baby Jesus with their bare hands.
This belief keeps those good Christian sheep in the fold, even those disgusted by Bush's zealous policies.
It is shame these Christians do not bother to examine their leadership as much as they do us "heathen." If they did, they would understand that for the Fundamentalist Leadership, abortion is important only insofar as it can bring in the horse on whom they've placed their bets.
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