
9/11: Internal Government Documents - - Center for American Progress
Perhaps the Donkey Machine isn't as worthless as it has appeared throughout Bush's presidency. Six weeks ago, ols unvetted facts regarding wide descrepcancies in Bush's military record and the strings he pulled to keep his soft skin out of Vietnam finally reached TOP 40 news charts. Now, it seems the widely documented failures of pre-911 Bush are finally getting some print.
No matter how low the hum of Clinton's counterterrorism efforts, the facts leave no question these efforts were further deemphasized by the Bush administration.

Inspite of the fact that every relevant federal agency was on its highest state of alert "in decades" in the weeks leading up to 9-11, Bush never convened agency heads inspight of CIA Director's Tenet's urging. In fact, Bush took a vacation, and then extended it while those in the know were bracing for a massive attack on American soil.

While, Janet Reno held counterterrorism as the Justice Department's top concern, Ashcroft cut funding and lowered counterterrorism to a non priority.

The ships of the coast of Pakistan waiting to bomb Bin Laden through the sites of Drone surveillance were orderd to stand down. Plans to have him killed by an armed Drone languished for months while the CIA and Pentagon wrangled over who gets to pull the trigger.
Republicans wish to castigate Clinton for laxadazical handling of terrorism. Okay. However, it can not be denied that Bush did signifigantly less.

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