
As I said a long time ago, I would not discuss politics on these pages. However, I must say one thing: I truly hope you religious, fundamentalits are correct in your estimations of hell, because if you are then I have no doubt you zealots will suffer there, along the other mass-murdering nutcases.

If you honestly think a man was born of a virgin and died on a cross so you could build a temple to use as a soapbox to peddle a conservative politcal agenda, you are a damned fool.

You fundamentalists pulled through once again. This time around the number one issue for voters was "moral values", and for those voters eighty-six percent voted Bush. I welcome a considerstion of moral values, but in these considerations could we please include the cost of war.

How many of you Bible-thumpers even know how many innocent civilians have died in Iraq alone.

15,000 dead Iraqii civilians killed in the first five months of O.I.L.

Of course, you people would be so kind as to remind me of the historical insignifigance of this number in the light of say, Veitnam's 58,000 dead soldiers. You've got to break a few eggs to make an omelette, right?

Then I would remind you that 15,000 dead is the blood of five 9-11's.

I used to blame government. I used to blame media. After this election cycle, I blame the people. Not all people, but I do not need to qualify. You know who you are.

You folks make me sick. I am so ashamed to share my flag with you. As long as it stays it your hands, it burns in my heart.

This bit of energy. This bit of energy. And this bit of energy is the last I waste on these matters.

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