
An aside- my blog erased all the comments. If some one who loves me reads this could you please go through and leave some words so it doesn't look as though no one ever gave me a shout back. Cosmetics.

Speaking of products usually designed for womem, a girl gave me a pair of tights. I know I have seen well-packaged male dancers prancing about on stage with these things, but I can not help but feel I am delving into some deviant behavior here, that perhaps I am beginning the slow downward spiral into women's underwear.
However, they are warm beneath my pants in the dead of winter on my bike through the snow and so on.
Exasperrating the situation- I just received a copy of Robbie Williams greatest hits, and I like it. What is happening to me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

johnny dont know if you will get this. i tried getting through on different related links but everyhing says i need a membership or something. i miss you hope your doing well i will type more when i know you recieve this message love Adam J flynn, i just set up an email ajf919821@yahoo.com