
Are drugs that bad?: I remember back in my college days, I asked a buddy of mine what he had done on Saturday, and he said took some Mexican Fly, man. He then went on to describe in vivid detail the phychelic effects of the acid.

"So basically," I replied, "You sat on the sofa for six hours."

I thought of him this morning when I read a new report on TV viewership. Americans are watching an average of 4.5 hours of TV everyday, second only to Japan. I thought I had read that intenet use was driving down TV viewership, but I guess not. Or maybe it is one of those Bush decreases: It's not as high as it would have been had Al Gore not invented the internet.

(we all know at this point he never said that, right)

But what if a drug could be made that was cheap and healthy, but still obliterated the mind ino a mesmerizing kaleidescope of color, beauty, sound, and wonder. How many Americans actually have a moral standing that allows them to condemn someone who carefully builds a lifestyle around drug use.

4.5 hours a day. With your snacks on your lap. Your emaciated faces glowing blue in the flickering light of your boobtoob. Your brain reprogrammed to not hear the laugh track, to not see the over-acting. How is that respecting reality, physical, spiritual, or otherwise.

You might as well get all coked up and play Monopoly with imaginary friends.

Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of drug use.


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