
Have been doing a little research into Celiac Diesease, a form of gluten intolerance, and I came across a couple of interesting things.

One, not only can bearers of this cross not drink Regular Joe Beer (malt and barley are no-no's), but they can not even play with Playdough (contamination issues). Can you imagine living your entire life with the dark knowledge that never again would you be able to make inedible blue pasta that smelt really cool?

Two, Gluten-Intolerant Folk (GIF)* are not supposed to eat the traditional Catholic communion wafer. Now I am sure some enterprising young Jew is selling the gluten-free commuion stuffs on his Kosher website, but that is not the point.

What is the point?

Well, maybe there is no point, but I do wonder aloud: Does the Pope have a position on this? According to Catholic Dogma (Is there any other kind?), the communion wafer is transfigured from baker's bread into the body of Christ upon placement onto a believer's tongue. Would the Pope have us believe the spotless lamb is not gluten-free?

*I am sure they have a catchier name, as do the diabetics or mavericks. I will look into it.

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