
Be warned. This blog has had many different lifes, and for sure a few deaths. Lately, I was using it to funnel new pictures, and I will continue placing new images on the blog. However, I have added a "recent work" page to the site, and now this page will revert to its original purpose, which was me ranting, and/or linking to what I sometimes find interesting.

I scribbled down a few hundred words a couple days ago, and have since removed it because I don't want to offend certain people who I have sent to this page. This consideration will not be extended much further. I will keep the language to a "G" rating, but I will not be holding my tongue.

The function of this site is product-oriented not market-oriented, meaning I am going to express what I want to express, and am not going to keep running everything through the subcommittees in my mind making sure I am not going to offend loved ones with my honesty.



Another Wat, Nong Khai, Thailand (Not AP standard)


Let's say you hear music coming from a cheap PA system that pours from a truck that rolls slowly along as some children (and adults) rush out of their homes. You might think it was an ice cream truck, and you would be wrong. It is a Monk Mobile, my word, bestowing blessings on all would kneel at the bed.


Plowing, Nong Khai, Thailand
Plowing, Nong Khai, Thailand


Crossing the street, Bangkok


Raincatcher, Nong Khai, Thailand


Waiting for duck soup, Nong Khai, Thailand
Wooden doll before a Buddah shrine, Nong Khai, Thailand


Road-side diner, Nong Khai, Thailand
Garbage can, Nong Khai, Thailand


Bunny and Chang, Nong Khai, Thailand


Just for the record:
In some parts of the world is is easier for an overweight white man to get a girlfriend than a driver's license.
Act II, Scene I, Vientiane, Laos


Back of the house, Vientiane, Laos
Front of the house, Vientiane, Laos
Motorcycle taxi stand, Vientiane, Laos
After school kids, Vientiane, Laos


Along the Mechong River, Vientiane, Laos
City street reflection, Vientiane, Laos