
Be warned. This blog has had many different lifes, and for sure a few deaths. Lately, I was using it to funnel new pictures, and I will continue placing new images on the blog. However, I have added a "recent work" page to the site, and now this page will revert to its original purpose, which was me ranting, and/or linking to what I sometimes find interesting.

I scribbled down a few hundred words a couple days ago, and have since removed it because I don't want to offend certain people who I have sent to this page. This consideration will not be extended much further. I will keep the language to a "G" rating, but I will not be holding my tongue.

The function of this site is product-oriented not market-oriented, meaning I am going to express what I want to express, and am not going to keep running everything through the subcommittees in my mind making sure I am not going to offend loved ones with my honesty.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's about time! Ria and I are still realy good friends, Mike Chiles and I are living together for anoher month or three and no pottery - need to get the job under controle and the I'll look at the hobbies out side of friends and running! love ya' man