
Conservatives are crying foul yet again. It seems this time the Big Media is conspiring to deceive the American people, trying to convince the herd that there is some sort of chasm between Saddam's true colors and those with which he was painted before the war. I know some of you are thinking, "Hey, isn't this the same big media that ooed and awed with every shock and awe?" And to you I would say pipe down someone is trying to play victim here. As bright young conservatives point out, if Big Media wasn't so busy hugging trees and kissing poor babies, they'd have noticed David Kay's assessment of Saddam's threat proves justification for the war: "We have found people, technical information and illicit procurement networks that if allowed to flow to other countries and regions could accelerate global proliferation." [fanfare]

It is amazing how many people see no disconnect between the prewar mythologies and the postwar realities.

"Finding an illicit procurement network justifies war": There used to be a time I when assumed that kind of bull oozed from a hole that some public relations specialist used as a mouthpiece when on TV defending party lines. But no more. It seems there are a multitude of folks out there who honestly do not have the mental capacity to recognize when they've been duped if such recognition requires they admit their President overstated the case for war to insure it took place- and on his timeline.

We didn't go to war because Saddam was bad. We didn't go to war because Saddam was a threat. We supposedly went to war because Saddam was such an imminent threat that a hasty, unilateral, preemptive war was the God-given duty of the leader of the free world.
Saddam gave us access to scientists and is allowing spy plane fly-overs.

Too little.

Saddam is destroying his missiles.

Too late.

We will have the full support of the United Nations Security Council if we wait sixty more days.

No time, boys; trust me this threat is so imminent...

It reminds me of a cop shooting an unarmed man. The cop’s defense? The man had a knife buried in the backyard. Good job, there officer. Who knows when he would have dug that rusty old thing up and run about the neighborhood wrecking havoc? Oh, and also, inscribed on the knife: good luck with the Iranians, love, the cop, 1981.

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