
TCS: Tech Central Station - An Open Letter to Arnold Kling:
Type M arguments must not be to the exclusion of Type C arguments. In fact, in many good political arguments they go hand in hand, as surely as cause and effect.

Having once exposed the fallacies of a given policy, there is left a begging question in the minds of many: “if what you argue is true, then how come the president and his legion of wonks don’t see it this way.” Explaining the underlying politics behind dubious policies is an attempt to answer this question.

Do you suggest writers argue party politics while ignoring the overarching themes of the Republican Party? For example, how stretched is that mind that realizes public funds for private schools agrees generally with the principle that privatization is good for business. How strained is the eye who sees Bush unceasingly working towards tax policies whose overriding concern is America Inc. How deaf the mute, that didn’t hear the rumors of war several months before the word "Iraq" left the president’s lips, left his lips just in time to give voters a picture of democratic candidates standing behind their president in a time of war. Were congressional elections the motivation for war? Of course not. Was the timing suspect? Not if you’re Karl Rove.

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