
More American Jobs Go To Foreigners Who Are Too Beleagured By Poverty To Worry About Things Like Workers' Rights

Indicative of what has been happening all over the shop. Bush didn't invent globalism, but he has been busy greasing the slippery slope.

He allowed for the reclassification of several white collar jobs, in order to allow them to be sub-contracted to overseas firms. As of six-months ago, 200,000 technical support jobs have gone to India alone.

He has lobbied successfully for the increase in the number of I-9 visas the U.S. hands out to American Inc. These are the visas that allow the importing of cheap, white-collar labor.

He has killed the funds that were supposed to be used to retool the American workforce for a post-manufacturing economy.

I don't read much anymore, so I'm sure I missed a few.

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