
More Bob Harris:: "as much as 30% of the country and growing -- are still afflicted with a whole series of bizarre notions, to wit:

1. that corporations whose sole legal purpose is to maximize profit and externalize costs are trustworthy stewards of the public good, and thus deserve legal and political power unavailable to individual citizens

2. that the politicians and media figures who serve these institutions most slavishly, mouthing their deceptive PR and inviting them into the backest rooms of media and government, are the most devoted servants of the working American public

3. and that when (and only when) the name of a specific deity is invoked by these amoral creatures, their work in rolling back and attacking virtually every social, political and environmental protection takes on the holy glow of a just, generous, and loving God of infinite power who nonetheless has chosen to reveal himself only to a minority of humankind

Believing any of these notions requires a stunningly fictitious, invented version of even basic history, economics, and several hard sciences..."

I like this guy.

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