
trash t.v bringing the world together...
"i'm flying off tomorrow! but i know everyone loves me, so you can still reach me at my present handphone number. *beams*

i'll miss the singapore idol finals, so i'll make my prediction now: it will be taufik! =D i guess all the angry olinda fans will try to get back at sylvester (the question is: is it syl or sly?) and his ahlianahbeng fans.

sylvester wasn't too bad yesterday, but he seriously can't make it as our representative. can you imagine him at world idol? the polish judge with his orreeebel accent will criticise sly's pronunciation etc. oh, the irony. =/"
World Scott The writing and photography of a guy trapsing through China, his first trip btw.
Buchanan Spit>: "Both parties bear moral responsibility for the mess we are in. The Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Republicans for beating the drums for war on a country that did not threaten us. The Clinton-Kerry-Biden-Edwards Democrats for giving Bush a blank check to take us to war to remove the issue from the 2002 election. Indeed, Democrats are the more indictable. At least Bush-Cheney believed in the war."


i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all...

... and the rockets red glare gave proof through the night that the flag was still there...

CBS News | CIA Flying Suspects To Torture? | March 6, 2005�23:38:02: "Craig Murray is the former British ambassador there. He told 60 Minutes that Uzbek citizens, captured in Afghanistan, were flown back to Taskent on the American plane.

'I know of two instances for certain of prisoners who were brought back in a small jet, and I believe it was happening on a reasonably regular basis,' says Murray.

Murray says the jet was operated by Premiere Executive Airlines.
He says in Uzbekistan, many prisoners are subject to torture techniques straight out of the Middle Ages: 'Techniques of drowning and suffocation, rape was used quite commonly, and also immersion of limbs in boiling liquid.'

Murray complained to his superiors that British intelligence was using information gleaned by torture. He was recalled by London four months ago and quit the foreign service.

Is there any reason to believe that the CIA knows that people are being tortured in these jails?

'The CIA definitely knows. I asked my deputy to go and speak to the CIA, and she came back and reported to me that she'd me with the CIA head of station, who told her that 'Yes, this material probably was obtained under torture, but the CIA didn't see that a problem.'' "
An official Iraqi audit said $1.27 billion allocated by the Defense Ministry for military procurement in 2005 was embezzled by officials and suppliers. In a report completed in May, the Board of Supreme Audit blamed the theft on U.S.-appointed senior Defense Ministry officials, including a former defense minister.

"Huge amounts of money have disappeared," Iraqi Finance Minister Ali Allawi said. "In return we got nothing but scraps of metal. It is possibly one of the largest thefts in history."


Oh Germany!! Land of Order and Labelmakers!!
I miss you; I really do.
I miss eating bread that is made by a Baker
but Jew rhymes with do so I am going to stop this little diddy before
I give the wrong impression.


But het here is some work from Granada.
In the land of stepford citizens. i am unable to watch the u.s. news without clutching my knees and rocking back and forth.
colin powell was just interveiwed by babrbara walters. i think at some point she should have just leaned over and whispered some perverted thing into his ear while her hand did something out of camera. it was a love fest.
substantiated reports of powel cursing hyped intel before he went before the UN and spewed lies, sweet lies were left unreferenced. instead he was allowed to lip the white house prbs without so much as a flinch from Media Whore Walters. He stated that he and the president were victims of a careless CIA and poor sourcing.
No mention of the fact that the White House had been so unsatisfied with the panty-waist stance the CIA took on Iraq, that Cheney had to create a new intel agency in the pentagon: the Defense Intelligenc Agecy, in order to get the wardrum he wanted. No mention of the fact that the bad sourcing was largely based upon characters Powell's State Department had considered untrustworthy. I am talking about Chalabi, of course. And the CIA had come to the same conclusion about Chalabi.
It would have been nice if Powell had mentioned that the Pentagon was the only agency that trusted the primary source for much of Powell's UN testimony. Why am I talking about this nonsense? Does anybody care anymore?

Before I become disgusted with the US politics' ability to drain me of otherwise useful energy, can I mention Screwball, another secret source, who happened to be Chalabi's convict brother-in-law and blah blah blah.

And now we return to Katrina coverage. A welcome respite. I love the way this hurricane is being covered. I watch every news broadcast beginning with the 9 a.m. then the noon, then the 4:30 p.m., then the 5:30 p.m. the the 10 p.m. and then Niteline. And you know what is so cool? I have not heard the word rape, and I have not had to look at one of the thousands of bodies that still float down the streets of New Orleans.

I was worried they might try to ruin my appetite for dessert with an honest historical depiction, but luckily FEMA has stopped allowing journalists to photograph dead people. Let us see if we can make a new sense of FEMA: Fascists, uh..., Everyone Must Admire. Sorry, it is late, I am doing my best here. Anyway, the memo, from FEMA outling the journalists' restrictions was headlined: Not Documenting The Blood On Our Hands. HA ha. I still got it...

On a somber note the news reported the federal indictment of two political action commitees for buying illegal election influence. Cool. They failed to mention, twice, atleast that Rep. Delay, Bushit friend and U.S. senator from Texas. founded and ran those PAC's.


Eschaton: "Take a moment to note what's happening here: these are the marks of repressive government, which mixes inefficiency with authoritarianism. The crew that couldn't get key aid on the scene last week is coming in in force now and taking as one of its key missions cutting public information about what's happening in the city.

This is a domestic, natural disaster. Absent specific cases where members of the press would interfere or get in the way of some particular clean up operation or perhaps demolition work there is simply no reason why credentialed members of the press should not be able to cover everything that is happening in that city. "
BREITBART.COM - Just The News: "Douglas Brinkley, the presidential historian who is also Thompson's official biographer, writes that a Feb. 16 note may be Thompson's final written words. It reads:
'No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun _ for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax _ This won't hurt.' "


Stuff from the past few months. Check this stuff out and leave comments. I desire honest feedback.
I am having a cup of coffee. A couple hours east people are pouring out of the buses that trickled to the Astrodome, one of the few lifelines pulling people out of the region. Just read about a mother who gave her child to a lady whose name she didn't even know. "I can't get on this bus, but you've got to try to save this child." I just ordered a chocolate-filled croissant. I love chocolate. An old dead woman is getting eaten by gutter rats. Bush assures me that we have a massive effort underway to continue getting food and water and ice to those who are in need. Why doesn't the liberal media ever report the good things. Surely their must be some white helicopter pilot that dodged the negroes' bullets as he rescued a small well-groomed terrier from a dirty part of town. My croissant is not even warm!!! Where is that damn barrista! Some reporters were told to not go to the New Orleans convention center unless they had their own guns. It seems well-armed civilians have taken control of that particular pool of feces and dying and dead. As the head of FEMA said this morning these people chose to stay there. So before you go and start feeling sorry for those people could you get me a spot of coffee. Black.

Watch your mouth, boy. Ain't no damned rascism. If them folks was white they'd be suffering just the same. Uncle Sam and Uncle Tom got things fixed up real good.

I guess my creative forces are dwindling because for the life of me, I can not imagine white people huddled, confused, deperate, hungry, wet, and dying and dead waiting for days for bread or bus while the world around them descends into a putrid anarchy. But them negroes is dif'rent. It's not US. It's THEM.
Eschaton: "That official told me they were able to take a couple of people out. One woman so desperate that she actually handed up her 2 month old baby and said take my child. I can't get on this bus, but you've got to try to save this child. She didn't even know the woman's name."
New York Daily News - Home - Hunger and rage: "As we walked past the Windsor Court hotel, we were stopped by a female state trooper. 'Y'all came over here without guns? Don't go there. Don't go there unless you have a machine gun around your neck. We pulled our troops out because the civilians have taken over. We don't have the manpower to deal with them,' she said."
BREITBART.COM - Just The News: "To make matters worse, the chief of the Louisiana State Police said he heard of numerous instances of New Orleans police officers _ many of whom from flooded areas _ turning in their badges.
'They indicated that they had lost everything and didn't feel that it was worth them going back to take fire from looters and losing their lives,' Col. Henry Whitehorn said. "
Officials Struggle to Reverse a Growing Sense of Anarchy - New York Times: "Another member of the bread truck party, Gloria Collins, 26, clutched her 6-month old son, Nakee Collins. She acknowledged that the truck she arrived on had been stolen.
'The police stopped us and said, 'I know it's not yours,' but he let us go,' she said. 'There were people shooting to protect their own boats. It's a survival thing.'"