
I am having a cup of coffee. A couple hours east people are pouring out of the buses that trickled to the Astrodome, one of the few lifelines pulling people out of the region. Just read about a mother who gave her child to a lady whose name she didn't even know. "I can't get on this bus, but you've got to try to save this child." I just ordered a chocolate-filled croissant. I love chocolate. An old dead woman is getting eaten by gutter rats. Bush assures me that we have a massive effort underway to continue getting food and water and ice to those who are in need. Why doesn't the liberal media ever report the good things. Surely their must be some white helicopter pilot that dodged the negroes' bullets as he rescued a small well-groomed terrier from a dirty part of town. My croissant is not even warm!!! Where is that damn barrista! Some reporters were told to not go to the New Orleans convention center unless they had their own guns. It seems well-armed civilians have taken control of that particular pool of feces and dying and dead. As the head of FEMA said this morning these people chose to stay there. So before you go and start feeling sorry for those people could you get me a spot of coffee. Black.

Watch your mouth, boy. Ain't no damned rascism. If them folks was white they'd be suffering just the same. Uncle Sam and Uncle Tom got things fixed up real good.

I guess my creative forces are dwindling because for the life of me, I can not imagine white people huddled, confused, deperate, hungry, wet, and dying and dead waiting for days for bread or bus while the world around them descends into a putrid anarchy. But them negroes is dif'rent. It's not US. It's THEM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read more thoughts and asides (perhaps more direct, with solutions, even if vacuumed) Perhaps a book on the state of the US written by an intelligent man on the outside may be worth writing as the ship, I sense, is sinking It could be an important historic testimony