
This is exactly what the nation, especially Democrats should be talking about right now: "What will the Democrats do to restore Constitutional Government?" This is something that seems so obvious, but yet our candidates are not even touching upon the issues that, for me, are the most grave. We now live in a country where the laws are subject to the whims of a tyranny. You could quibble about my semantics, but the substance of these words is undoubtedly true. Let the one who wishes to lead this nation, please step up and outline exactly which policies you will abandon, which practices you will restore, which closed doors you will reopen...

I could on, but either you know this stuff, or you tuned out long ago there is no point in talking to you. (Hello, AM Radio listeners.) So, I am asking those that think this King George the W of ours is so unfit for office, then why are we not requiring our candidates to be on the record with what exactly they will do and undo...

Or we can just keep talking Hillary's nonexistant cleavage, until the horrors that our government are wrecking upon our country and the world become so institutionalized, it would take generations to correct course(if ever). This coming election provides a golden opportunity to begin restoring what Bush and his henchmen have stolen, but only if we make it so.

Or we can have another round table discussion about John Edward's hair.

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