
In honor of not forgetting to put a bumper sticker on your car that says "Support Your Troops":

Brig. Gen. William Troy: ...I am afraid that with the number of soldiers we now have in harm’s way, our losses will preclude us from continuing to do individual memorial ceremonies...

Translation: We sure can't keep givin' funerals to all them dead people.

The D.C.P.R.B.S.: The surge is working, or it will soon, in a few months, I mean September, or, rather December. I mean a permanent troop presence. I mean- what was the question?

Main Street: Can I, like, biggie size a double mocha grande latte?

A.M. radio: Them pussyfoot liberals are too scared to for a good cockfight. Look at all these dead soldiers. Just think how many would die if they controlled two branches of government.

Southern Baptist: I wonder what church Rush Limbaugh goes to? He sure sounds like a good Christian man.

Preacher: Let's pray for our dear leader as he leads our country through these difficult times.

A little kid on the back pew who hasn't learned to be a Good Christian American: Mom, why does America kill so many people if God said don't kill?

Me: God just doesn't understand the geopolitical realities of the modern world, little man.

Dick Cheney: Don't make me shoot you in the face.

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