
More evidence that the Right is more concerned with cultural warfare than "murdered babies

If political foes of choice really wanted to stop abortions, they'd push for making the morning-after pill available for over-the-counter puchase. Unlike the "abortion pill", the morning-after pill actually prevents unwanted pregnancy, rendering the egg impenetrable by sperm. This would give women in all sorts of situations a choice besides abortion and unwanted babies.

If the Right truly believes life, holy life, begins when the sperm and egg dance that first two-celled tango, preventing this merger would seem to be the most common sense method of lowering the number of abortions in this country. Instead what we have are the idealogues preaching self-responsibility while holding up the FDA's approval of OTC staus of the drug. These are the same people who didn't want it to be legal to purchase this drug in America period.

Even if all thier hand-wringing were true, is the abdication of responsibilty a greater wrong than "killing babies." No doubt, the pill would be abused by some, but what is that compared to stopping the "murder of innocents." Why is the Right is more concerned with fighting its cultural wars than "saving babies?"

It might have something to do with the fact preventing abortions is just boring TV. Long ago, this abortion debate morphed from a debate on the sanctity of life to a means to energize the "base", just something to get the fundamentalist lapdogs something to snarl and slobber about.

As Karl Rove said in the Book of St. John, "You are my sheep." No wait that was Christ, right?

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