
My god, this should be required reading for every American

It speaks of the hamstringing of the 9-11 commission, the various agencies' failings.

According to evidence presented at the commission's hearing's:
American Airlines knew the names, addresses, credit card numbers, and seat numbers of 5 hijackers20 minutes before the first plane struck the WTC. The president was told of the crash 14 minutes after it occured, at which point he commented "That's some bad pilot", still unware of the terrorist threat.

This is evidence as presented last week to the 9.11 commission. The evidence had been withheld by the commission's Chief of Staff, Philip Zelikow. Zelikow decides what evidence the commission sees and doesn't see.

Zelikow served as an advisor to Bush pre-9-11.

There are atleast five more wonderful tidbits, but instead of ripping off the leg-work of a real journalist, I'll just hope you go and read the article yourself. We have to keep our eyes on the ball.

Kudos to Gail Sheehy of the New York Observer.

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